by Brenda Watson
Healthy living begins with choosing the right foods to eat every day. Whether your goal is to change your dietary habits as part of a weight loss program or if you've simply made a choice to eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet, the answer is clear. Begin with nutritious, whole foods that are high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and the benefits will follow.
During the past ten years, scientists have made astounding discoveries about vegetarian foods. Such foods contain a remarkable number of natural chemicals that help the human body fight disease and achieve optimal health. Such substances can apparently fight the effects of aging, ease muscle soreness, reduce your risk of developing arthritis, prevent heart disease, and protect the brain against the damage that leads to Alzheimer's disease.
For much of the twentieth century, food scientists focused most of their attention on vitamins--the micronutrients found in foods that are necessary for survival. So important are vitamins to our daily diet that a deficiency of a certain vitamin or vitamins may be life-threatening. In the past when extended travel by boat was necessary, limes were brought along for a vital supply of vitamin C, the lack of which can lead to scurvy (a Vitamin C deficiency) and eventually death.
The power of vitamins has been widely established for decades, but more recently, researchers have discovered thousands of other phytonutrients (nutritional compounds found in plants) that have an incredibly powerful effect on our health. Phytonutrients are found primarily in fruits and vegetables, as well as tea, nuts, whole grains, and legumes, and many have powerful antioxidant properties that have been shown to destroy free radicals.
Free radicals, highly unstable molecules capable of destroying healthy cells, are thought to be involved in causing or complicating some diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. They can be the result of exposure to pollution and other toxins, or they may be produced by the body as it performs its daily metabolic processes. Just as plants use phytonutrients to protect themselves from disease boost their immune response, the human body can do the same. When we eat plants, we gain some of the same benefits in those phytonutrients. This is one reason why researchers believe organic fruits and vegetables are healthier--they are raised without pesticides, and this forces them to produce more of their own protective chemicals.
When we eat organic produce, we reap the benefit of the natural chemicals that plants have originally made for their own protection. For example, the phytonutrients in apples include chemicals called phenolic acids that defend the fruit against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Included in this group of phenolic acids is a natural antioxidant called quercetin (found just below the peel) that protects apples against disease. According to researchers at Cornell University, consuming quercetin may lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease by defending nerve cells against damage by free radicals. The phytonutrients in apples, however, are just the tip of the iceberg. Below are three of the major groups of phytonutrients, as well as where they are found and the benefits they provide.
*Terpenes. These include the chemicals that give food their colors: beta carotene makes carrots orange, lycopene makes tomatoes red, and zeaxanthin makes spinach green.
*Phenolic acids. These include the antioxidant-rich lignans found in flax seeds, the heart-protecting resveratrol in grape skins, and the antioxidant-rich isoflavones in soy.
*Thioles. This group includes the sulfide compounds found in onions and garlic that help protect the cardiovascular system, and the antioxidant-rich isothiocyantes found in cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.
While the above list represents only a small fraction of the phytonutrient family, scientists are uncovering daily new and significant benefits provided by these powerful plant compounds. To reap the potential health benefits phytonutrients, be sure to eat plenty of wholesome, raw foods every day.
A Rainbow of Goodness
Try to eat at least one food from each of the following groups every day to ensure that you that you are getting a wide range of phytonutrients.
Green/yellow: Avocado, spinach, mustard greens, green beans, and collard greens contain lutein and zeaxanthin, pigments that promote eye and heart health.
Orange: Squash, mangos, apricots, carrots, pumpkins, and cantaloupe contain alpha and beta carotenoids, which help prevent disease.
Orange/yellow: Oranges, tangerines, pineapples, and other citrus fruits contain bioflavonoids, which have been shown to promote cardiovascular health.
Red-purple: Grapes, red wine, strawberries, raisins, and cherries contain health-supporting compounds called anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and flavonoids, which support heart health and help prevent arthritis and muscle soreness.
White-green: garlic and onions contain allyl sulfides, which promote healthy arteries.
Red: Tomatoes and watermelon contain lycopene, phytoene, and phytofluene, which help prevent disease. Lycopene, the red pigment that gives tomatoes their distinctive color, is a powerful antioxidant.
Green: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and bok choy contain glucosinolates, isothiocyanate, and indole-3 carbinol, which help prevent disease.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Healthy Phytonutrients Abound In High-Fiber Foods
Natural Immune Defense - Antioxidants
by Sam Lozano
There is a group of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes called Antioxidants that help to protect the body from the formation of free radicals. Free Radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that can cause damage to cells, impairing the immune system and leading to infections and various degenerative diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Free radical damage is thought by scientists to be the basis for the aging process as well. There are a number of known free radicals that occur in the body, they may be formed by exposure to the environment or various metabolic processes. Free radicals are normally kept in check by the action of Free Radical Scavengers that occur naturally in the body. These scavengers neutralize the Free Radicals. Four important enzymes that neutralize free radicals are Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Methionine Reductase, Catalase, and Glutathione Peroxidase. The body makes these as a matter of course. There are also a number of nutrients that act as Antioxidants, including Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Vitamins C and E, and the mineral Selenium. Another antioxidant is the hormone Melatonin, which is a powerful Free Radical neutralizer. Although many Antioxidants can be obtained from food sources it is difficult to get enough of them from these sources to hold back the Free Radicals constantly being generated in our polluted environment. We can minimize Free Radical damage by taking supplements of key nutrients. A high intake of Antioxidant nutrients appears to be especially protective against cancer.
Multiple Vitamin, Omega-3, Coq10, And A Probiotic Are Four Essential Supplements Everyone Should Take For Better Health
by Darrell Miller
Vitamins are substances that are found in foods and are necessary for life. They also allow the body to get through each day. Although some have specific tasks, most work together to provide the body with many health benefits. Vitamins are either fat or water-soluble. Those that are water soluble leave the body quickly while those that are fat-soluble are stored in the liver and fat cells for quite awhile. Some of these fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. Most people take vitamins to fill nutritional gaps that occur when our diets aren't as good as we'd like to admit. Vitamins should not be taken as a substitute for a healthy diet, as good eating habits should always be the first priority. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is the amount of essential nutrients that is considered to be adequate to meet nutritional needs of almost all healthy people, or the amount to prevent a nutrient deficiency. However, the optimal levels are really a lot higher than 100% of the RDA.
Depending on your age and gender, men and women require different vitamins at different times in their lives, but there are vitamins that men and women of all ages need. Vitamin A lowers cholesterol, improves vision, boosts the immune system, and helps skin and hair. Similarly, vitamin C boosts the immune system, while it heals wounds and makes collagen. Vitamin D helps to build bones and teeth and also prevents colds. Vitamin E protects the skin, lowers blood pressure, heals burns, and also boosts energy. Vitamin K prevents bone loss, and helps with normal blood clotting. The B vitamins, which includes thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, Biotin, and Pantothenic Acid, supports nerve cells, provides energy, lowers cholesterol, reduces homocysteine, burns fat, reduces skin inflammation, and converts sugar and fat into energy. Lastly, Folic acid can help to prevent spinal bifida, increases milk production in nursing mothers, and makes the skin healthier in general.
Minerals help form the structure of our bodies. Without them, our bones could not continue to grow, strengthen, and repair themselves. They help our nerves send and receive signals and allow our muscles to respond properly. They are also very important in normal blood clotting and tissue repair. Any multivitamin that you get needs to have a full range of minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, sodium, potassium, boron, and vanadium. Iron should be in a supplement for women who are still menstruating, but not for those who aren't. Therefore, minding age and gender-appropriate multiples is something that needs to be considered.
When purchasing a multiple vitamin, it is also important to look for antioxidants from fruit and herbal sources. Lutein and Zeaxanthin support healthy vision. Grape seed extract strengthens veins and arteries, boosts the immune system, and reduces allergic symptoms. Bilberry prevents hardening of arteries and cataracts, and supports retina. Black tea lowers cancer risk and chances of stroke. Cherry fruit strengthens collagen, reduces inflammation, supports tendons and muscles, and also reduces the risk of heart attacks. Although most people are trying to cut fats from their diets, fats aren't necessarily a bad thing. Rather, it's a matter of proportion. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fats need to be consumed to stay healthy. Omega-6 fats can be found in many everyday sources, including doughnuts, vegetable oils, and margarine. We tend to have an abundance of omega-6 fatty acids because foods made or prepared with these ingredients are very popular. Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, are not found in most diets, but show the most benefits. Some of these benefits include: reducing high blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol, reducing heart attack risk, reducing risk of stroke, reducing osteoarthritis symptoms, increasing mental focus, helping improve eczema, reducing asthma symptoms, and reducing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Cancer survival, bipolar disorder, and depression all show promise with treatment from omega-3. Adding more fish to your diet is a good idea for everyone, but not every fish has the high levels of EPA and DHA that are beneficial in omega-3. A fish oil supplement that is mercury-free and naturally-stable can help provide the EPA and DHA that is necessary for people. Make sure that the supplement you choose isn't artificially modified to boost DHA and EPA concentration. Be certain that natural antioxidants such as vitamin E are added to prevent rancidity and make the supplement taste better.
Probiotics, also called "beneficial bacteria", are becoming more and more popular. Acidophilus is one of the best and most researched probiotic bacteria out there right now. It may seem strange, but not all bacteria are bad. Actually, probiotic bacteria are essential for the body so that it can digest food properly and absorb minerals. An imbalance of intestinal bacteria (microflora) is often associated with many diseases from yeast infections to colon cancer. By taking a nutritional supplement or eating foods containing probiotic bacteria, you can help support and modify the composition of the microflora in your large intestine. These microflora assist digestion, protect against disease-causing bacteria, and stimulate the immune system. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria longum have a central role in the intestinal flora and provide many health benefits. Even though it is associated with dairy, Bifidobacteria longum assists in the breakdown of lactose and relieves some of the symptoms of lactose intolerance such as flatulence and bloating. When choosing a probiotic supplement, look for one that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria longum. The supplement should be in a "super-capsule," as regular capsules won't protect the bacteria all the way through the stomach. Similar to foods, look for a freshness date that guarantees the amount of probiotic bacteria at the time of purchase, rather than just at the time of manufacture.
CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone, is a nutrient that can be found in all living cells of the body. Supplementing CoQ10 can: reduce the risk of heart attack, slow effects of parkinson's disease, replenish CoQ10 depletion from statin drug use, decrease high blood pressure, reduce the frequency of migraine headaches, and reduce tumors. CoQ10 also has great antioxidant abilities, as it scoops up free-radicals in the body. There are some major distinctions among CoQ10 products. One being that the product must be scientifically shown to absorb through the digestive tract and move into the mitochondria. Usually chewable and softgel forms are best because they cross the blood/brain barrier. The second major distinction is that the CoQ10 should be in a natural form, rather than a synthetic form. The third distinction is that the supplement should be proven to work. A commercially-available product should be the same formula studied by respected organizations, with documented research. By building up a healthy foundation with a daily multiple, stable fish oil, daily probiotic, and absorbable CoQ10, we can ensure ourselves the basic nutrients needed each day to live a healthier life. All the above listed supplements can be found at your local or internet health food store.
Simple Anti-Aging Natural Supplements
by Lynn Ross
The generation that is responsible for the future doubling of our nation's senior citizen population, or baby boomers, were born at the time of the successful economy at the end of World War II. These baby boomers are very interested in anti-aging methods and anti-aging natural supplements available that will be beneficial to them. It has become a major concern since the nation's senior citizen population is sure to double. With this in mind, researchers are working on ways to address menopause, prolong good vision and promote prostate health. It is good to realize that we have been provided with anti-aging natural supplements, compliments of Mother Nature. These anti-aging natural supplements are abundantly available and very inexpensive.
Fruits and Vegetables It is comforting to realize that there are completely natural ways with which we can promote good health as we age. It is both natural and practical to find substances that can be found easily in the foods that we already eat. Eating fruits and vegetables is easily the most natural thing that we can eat that contains anti-aging natural supplements. We also know that most fruits are high in vitamin C; an antioxidant that is believed to fight the signs of early aging.
When we eat fruits we can benefit from the proven results to be had in the fight against the anti-aging process. The fruits that are to be chosen as anti-aging natural supplements are strawberries, grapes, raspberries, and apples. These are all very rich in ellagic acid which very well could be considered to be Mother Nature's natural insect repellent. This acid is known to hinder the growth of certain tumors in our bodies. It works by slowing the growth of many harmful enzymes that could be mutated and then later produce harmful cancer cells. Some other fruits to be selected as anti-aging natural supplements are peaches, cantaloupes, and apricots. These fruits contain lycopene that is a known antioxidant. Antioxidants guard our bodies' cells from harmful free radicals.
Vegetables should also be considered as anti-aging natural supplements. Certain vegetable such as carrots, potatoes, and spinach also provide antioxidants that can replenish our bodies. There are other vegetables that can produce an anti-aging natural supplement when eaten. Certain vegetables like soybeans and alfalfa sprouts may fight the enzyme genistein. Genistein is known to stimulate and therefore activate cancer genes. It makes sense that eating these readily available vegetables could simply help prevent the development of cancer.
Eat an Apple Every Day
It is very comforting to know that we can fight against the signs of aging in completely natural ways, without the use of anything artificial. We have heard the saying, "an apple a day can keep the doctor away". Possibly what that phrase really implies is, eating vegetables and fruits will not only fill us up, but they also possess the properties of an anti-aging natural supplement. They give us many more benefits than we can possibly imagine. They can help us to live a healthy, well-rounded healthy life. Take advantage of what Mother Nature gave us and eat up the anti-aging natural supplements. They are in great supply.
Secret Vitamins to Improve Appearances
by Tannie Smith
A fast paced lifestyle can take its toll on the health and appearance of Americans. Most do not get adequate sleep, nourishment, and exercise. This is one of the reasons why vitamins and supplements have become household names. An average American needs at least thirteen vitamins to keep the body in good shape and keep everyone going. But do they improve a person¡¯s appearance?
The following are the vitamins that can greatly improve a person¡¯s appearance:
1. Vitamin E.
Perhaps the most popular vitamin that is often associated with beautiful skin is Vitamin E. It protects fatty acids and keeps oxidation inside the body cells. It also helps keep body tissues from breaking down. According to US Recommended Daily Supplement (RDA), people who are 19 years or older require at least 15 milligrams of Vitamin E each day. Good sources of Vitamin E are eggs, tomato juice, apples, avocados, spinach, potatoes, turnips, etc.
Having a beautiful skin will definitely improve the appearance of a person. Achieving this is easy; it only takes knowledge about Vitamin E and the proper intake of it. Since the 1950s, we have been concerned about major areas of body alteration and enhancement. Find out more about fat workouts that keeps you in good, healthy shape.
2. Vitamin C.
This is very essential to the body and its appearance; lack of it causes Scurvy. This disease causes inflamed and bleeding gums that result in tooth loss, slow wound healing, bumps on the legs and arms, and easy bruising.
Vitamin C comes from citrus fruits such as limes, grapefruit, and oranges. It can also be found in vegetables such as green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.
3. Vitamin D.
This improves the posture by protecting the bones and muscles. An adequate supply of vitamin D3 (also known as calcium) protects a person from Osteoporosis. Obtaining this vitamin from food alone may not be easy, and for this reason it is recommended to consider using supplements. The most common sources of Vitamin D are oysters, clams, etc.; fish such as salmon and sardines; eggs, beef liver, etc. Looking great means feeling great! So, check out the secrets on how you can look and feel absolutely great at
4. Vitamin B.
There are 8 groups of B-complex vitamins; these are B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or Niacin, B6 or pyridoxine, B9 or folic acid, B12 or cyanocobalamin, etc. They provide energy for the body and make skin healthy.
Vitamin B can be found in cereal, rice, meat, corn, nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, etc.
Vitamins, like food, are essential for keeping the body in good shape and improve its appearance. Getting them is easy as ABC. Eating a well balanced diet combined with taking vitamins is the way to go.
The Truth About Green Tea and Caffeine
by Patricia Hammond
The many benefits of a refreshing cup of green tea is undoubtedly one of the major reasons why the drink, as a dietary tradition which started in China, has reached the other modern cultures as well. However, since green tea is almost always associated with the caffeine that comes along with tea, some people are still skeptic about whether its benefits truly outweigh the presence of caffeine in the drink or not.
Technically speaking, in every 6-8 ounce cup of green tea, there is 30-60 milligrams of caffeine. This is comparatively lesser to what you can find in an 8-ounce cup of coffee which contains 100 milligrams of caffeine. The longer time the tea leaves are fermented, the more caffeine it will contain. The smaller the tea leaf, also, the greater and the more concentrated the caffeine content. Furthermore, researches have shown that the first to the third tea leaves of the plant contain the most caffeine with 3.4 percent higher than its succeeding leaves. Unfortunately, this is something that a caffeine-sensitive tea drinker can do nothing about.
There is, however, something they can do with green tea's preparation that will help lower its caffeine content. Green tea skeptics and caffeine-sensitive drinkers should know that the level of caffeine content in a cup of green tea depends on how it is prepared, or, how long it is brewed. As with vegetables where it is best to keep their cooking time to a minimum in order to maintain their vitamin content, so, too, is it with the caffeine in green tea. The longer it is boiled, the less caffeine is retained.
It is a fact that even if a person may be convinced of the health benefits that green tea can offer, he or she may be intolerant to caffeine, thus, discouraging the person from drinking green tea and keeping him or her from availing of its many benefits. It is important for them to note, however, that a decaffeinated green tea is as readily available as any caffeinated green tea. In this way, they will not have to worry about their caffeine intolerance, and yet, still be able to reap the health benefits of drinking green tea.
For those who take green tea readily along with its caffeine, it is also important that they be aware of the side effects of having too much caffeine in their system. Caffeine in green tea, like in coffee, causes nervousness, palpitation, jitters, insomnia, and dizzying spells. These side effects, however, pass after some time and pose no serious health problems. For long-time green tea drinkers even develop a graduated tolerance of caffeine and its side effects.
Miracle cure through calcium
by Shopperstop
Although calcium compounds have been used since ancient times, and metallic compound was isolated by Sir Humphrey Davy way back in 1808, it was only very recently that calcium was used as a dietary supplement to compensate for dietary losses. The Hippocratic adage that all food is medicine is followed with reluctance only. Various myths and misconceptions hinder proper dietary intake that, in turn, exacerbate the diseased condition. One such myth is the ridiculously low RDA, or Recommended Death Allowance, for many minerals and vitamins, including Calcium. In a series of highly documented treatment, Dr. Carl Reich found that extremely high dosage (much above the RDA) of Calcium and Vitamin D were surprisingly successful in treating allergies, Attention Deficit Disorder and even cancer or diabetes. In a famous experiment, some experimenters cut a cancer tumor in half, and put it in two containers of body fluids at 98 degrees F, one of which contained a pinch of calcium salts. After four days the normal beaker had a four times larger tumor, and the calcium beaker had a four times smaller beaker. Miracle? Yes, but it is perfectly rational. The calcium is an alkaline metal, and makes a compound called calcium monoorthophosphate in the blood, something that raises the Ph balance of the blood. Blood with a higher Ph can absorb more oxygen, at times upto twenty times more. Insufficient oxygen results in the blood squeezing calcium out of bones, saliva and body fluids, something that results in calcium deficit disorders, like weak bones and osteoporosis. The bones contain 99% of the calcium in the body, and it is this supply that slowly gets depleted, resulting in some calcium deposits around bone joints (which fool some doctors ignorant of nutrition to advise stopping of calcium ingestion). It was found that many of the traditional cultures took a diet that in popular perception should be very unhealthy, but those cultures did not have any medical history of disease. For example, the Eskimos and the Inuits of northern North America, until very recently, took an exclusively meat diet of which about 80% was blubber fat. Yet, the Eskimos did not have any heart diseases, cancer or diabetes. Most of the indigenous populations in the mountainous regions of South America, Central Asia and Afghanistan, and many places in China and India have a primarily animal diet. Their main water source is glacier water that is saturated with undissolved calcium. In most places their daily calcium intake was dozens of times above the RDA, and yet these people are perfectly healthy. In Okinawa, Japan, the diet includes loads of coral calcium that has a great absorption rate. There too people were completely free of many of the lifestyle diseases that afflict Caucasians. All this goes on to prove that plentiful supplies of minerals and vitamins are always helpful. In fact, Dr. Robert Barefoot, partner of Dr. Reich, mentions that everything god created it good and one may take it without compunction. Such plentiful supplies of natural calcium are not available everywhere, nor individual dietary habits permit such natural calcium intake. In such cases one may take alternative natural dietary supplements like milk, cheese or butter. And if one is averse to such supplements as well, there are many calcium mineral supplements available. Remember, so far is calcium is concerned, there is never too much of it.
Should Bodybuilders Take Vitamins?
by Eric Marchewitz
Absolutely! Bodybuilders need supplements more than the average person because we put such a heavy burden on our bodies daily. Also, we may tend to drift into anabolics (both legal and illegal) that carry some pretty heavy side effects. So, what is a good vitamin regimen for the average bodybuilder? I am about to give you what I think is the best supplements that a bodybuilder can take in order of importance. First, you want to take a GOOD multi and just because it comes in a PACK doesn't mean it is good. Find one from a reliable health food store and have them suggest a good one. Make SURE IT DOESN'T CONTAIN IRON IF YOU ARE A MAN! It has a high dose of Vitamin C along with chelated minerals and solid doses of everything you need. Second, you need to take a good Vitamin E product, not something in the value isle at your grocery store. Vitamin E has advanced past what you get in a supermarket, there is a new version of vitamin E called High Gamma E. I am not going to explain how it works, just understand that it is a much better form of vitamin E. The next thing that I feel is most important for good health is a solid Fish Oil supplement. Fish Oil is amazing and protects your heart, liver and brain from damage and decay. You can't take just one though and expect to see any benefit. Fish Oil is cheap and you need to take at least 6 gel caps per day. Steroid users should be taking 12 capsules per day to ward off the liver and heart issues. Now that we have the basics covered, we can move on to more exotic supplements for anti-aging and joint repair. CoQ10 is a enzyme co-factor that is great for keeping your heart and brain healthy and is overall a very good supplement for anyone interested in anti-aging (30-100mg per day). ALA or Alpha Lipoic Acid is even better because this anti-oxidant is also used by body builders to make insulin more active! It actually acts like some prescription insulin potentiators which is a fancy way of saying it makes insulin more effective at carrying nutrients into your body (200-500mg per day with meals).
Unfortunately I am sitting here with wrist wraps on while I type this because my wrists are killing me. I guess I shouldn't under estimate the value of healthy joints, which is why I suggest that ALL bodybuilders take a good Glucosamine and Chondroiton supplement. Watch out for the ones that use Glucosamine HCL instead of Glucosamine Sulfate. You want Glucosamine Sulfate, since that Sulpher molecule is necessary and is the form all of the positive studies used. I am starting 1500mg of Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitan Sulfate per day so I can get back to lifting without pain. There is nothing more sad than seeing an older bodybuilder that hasn't kept his joints in good health. Finally, if you do take steroids or even just for the health benefits, drink plenty of Pomegranate juice (also available as a supplement, just DO NOT get the one with ellagic acid).
Don't just pick any of them off the shelf, many are "cut" with grape juice which is empty carbs. What will this do for you? Well, it shrinks the prostate, cleans clogged arteries and reduces oxidation in the body. It's truly the drink of champions and NECESSARY for bodybuilders that take anabolic steroids. Well, that wraps it up and I hope that this helps you choose supplements that will keep your health in check. There is no amount of money that can replace a healthy body, so make sure you budget for some good supplements in your quest to get huge!
Is Alpha Lipoic Acid the Emerging Premier Anti-Aging Antioxidant?
by Tom Nuckel
Normally, there is little free Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) circulating in your body, unless you consume supplements or take it by injection. Foods contain only tiny amounts of ALA.
Your body manufactures enough ALA for the basic metabolic functions of energy production and dissolving some liver by-products.
At the levels produced by your body ALA acts as an essential coenzyme for carbohydrate metabolism for energy.
It also has been shown, at normal body production levels to increase production of glutathione, which helps dissolve substances in the liver. Additional supplementation with alpha lipoic acid may provide benefits beyond its involvement in carbohydrate metabolism.
At supplemented levels, alpha lipoic acid acts as a powerful and versatile antioxidant. However, for this action to occur, there must be an excess amount available. ALA must be available in the "free" state within the cells. Only then will it perform its antioxidant and rejuvenating actions.
An antioxidant helps neutralize free radicals in our bodies and protects our cells from damage. A free radical is an unstable molecule that tries to steal electrons from other molecules thus causing damage. Smoking, pollution, car exhaust, stress, and fried foods are common sources of free radicals.
Cells are continuously under oxidative stress, and when the antioxidant defenses are not fully efficient, there is an accumulation of oxidative damage over time.
Alpha lipoic acid may provide three advantages when used as a supplement:
1) it is easily absorbed into the blood stream 2) it can also cross the blood brain barrier to perform as an effective brain antioxidant, clearing blood vessels and enhancing brain cell activity 3) it deactivates both fat and water soluble free radicals, protecting both lipoproteins and cellular membranes.
These advantages and its usefulness as a broad-spectrum cellular protector cause many health experts to believe alpha lipoic acid is emerging as the premier anti-aging antioxidant.
The widely accepted theory today asserts that accumulated cellular damage, caused by free radicals generated by on-going normal metabolism and environmental sources, is the basis of aging. As we age, mitochondria function is impaired, and this impairment is theorized to cause the adverse effects of aging.
Alpha lipoic acid is by its self a powerful antioxidant , but it works synergistically with vitamin C, E and other antioxidants, "recycling" them and making them much more available. It also helps protect the mitochondria and the DNA genetic material.
Recent research studies on alpha lipoic acid demonstrate 4 activities:
1) Functions as an antioxidant and assists the B-vitamins in producing energy from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats consumed from foods. 2) Supports brain function in aging adults by improving memory. 3) Helps increase blood flow to the nerves. 4) Assists the liver in flushing by-products from the body.
How to Look Young at Any Age
by Markus Skupeika
How to look 10 years younger....the natural way. Beth knew it was Jason and no other the first time she laid her eyes on him. Awkward to admit, but she was smitten by love at first sight! Jason carried himself like a true gentleman, with apparent class. His profession as a lawyer gave him an air of authority about him, but behind those gold-rimmed glasses was just a young man, in his 30s. A May-December affair... Beth was 40, and even felt "older" than her actual age. She knew she had to do something about it; otherwise the prospect of getting Jason's attention would grow dimmer as her eyesight had been these past few years. Blame it on the glare of her PC, or lack of Vitamin A, but in the stillness of her room, Beth knew, aging has finally hit her on the face. Facial Skin Care Products cut a big chunk off Beth's budget, but she remains undaunted. She wants to look good for Jason. It's good her favorite online pharmacy has carried more selections, mostly Natural Skin Care Products. Online pharmacies are becoming the next best thing on the internet, as they provide unparalleled convenience and access to wider array of stocks for beauty and health care compared with traditional pharmacies and drug outlets. Free shipping of selected beauty products, possible too! "Is a ten-year makeover impossible without drugs or cosmetics surgery?" That was Beth's first question when she committed herself to Perfect Fitness, a gym exclusively for women. "Not at all" she was told. Contrary to popular belief that only surgery can take off years from a woman's total appearance, recent medical findings revealed that aging is also "reversible" by natural means. By reversible, it does not mean to look like in the 20's again, but rather, just slow down the process of aging, as it may have set in prematurely for some. What contributes to premature aging? Diet and lifestyle factors contribute to early aging, and Beth underscored the following as the culprits in hers. 1. Absence of vitamins and minerals in her diet - Free radicals lower the body's resistance against disease, and premature aging sets in when general health suffers. Vitamins and minerals in the diet are the body's watch dog against free radicals; 2. Lack of sleep - The body needs a minimum of eight hours sleep every day, and during this time the body heals itself. Looking good and feeling young can be direct results of a good night's sleep. 3. Little water intake - The body needs lots of water to re-hydrate and wash itself of toxins. 4. Giving in to simple "pleasures" - Excessive alcohol intake and smoking are often regarded as the "youth busters" duo. 5. Too much sun -- the sun's ultra violet rays have damaging effects on the skin, such as causing darker skin pigmentation, dryness, rough texture; prolonged exposure may cause cancer! Staying young the natural way, perfectly! Exercise! Stroke, high blood pressure and heart ailments are becoming the "signs" of the times. The death toll is steadily increasing every year, due to these ailments or their complications. To avoid the rise in your blood pressure, or to retard the symptoms of a heart ailment, it is advisable to take up brisk walking or swimming, again. Cardiovascular exercises promote a healthy heart, and strong lungs. These exercises guarantee the elimination of unwanted pounds, naturally - without painful injections, surgery, or dieting. As you build muscles by lifting weights, fat is naturally burned. When your body perks up to daily exercise, you will be amazed at the results: you won't look haggard, your skin will have the color of health on would look great!
Cultivate the habit of thinking positively. A merry heart does not dry the bones. After 6 months on the gym, Beth looked at her image on the mirror with a sense of pleasant surprise. She looked like someone she once knew, not too long ago...when she just stepped out of college, at 22! Perhaps, that's an exaggeration of how good she looked, but definitely she never thought she can look this good...again! Oh, Beth's not dating Jason. With her new look, why settle for a man with less substance? Jorge is about Beth's age, loves the gym, too.
The Truth About Vitamin C In Orange Juice
by Alien Sheng
Lab tests have revealed that the concentration of vitamin C in orange juice is significantly affected by a whole range of parameters, such as the source of orange juice (fresh fruit/juice concentrate/frozen concentrated juice/canned or packed juices), the produce of oranges and their level of ripening, the environmental/climatic conditions under which oranges have been grown, the processing method, handling/storage conditions, and the type of storage container.
Chemically identified as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a very essential micro-nutrient in the maintenance of good health.
It plays an important role in the production of collagen, absorption of iron, formation of red blood cells, healing of wounds, keeping teeth and gums healthy, destruction of free radicals, and boosting of immunity to fight infections.
But our body cannot manufacture its own vitamin C, nor can it store this water-soluble vitamin. Hence, the body's requirement of vitamin C has to be met on a daily basis through the diet.
Orange juice is a widely used and one of the best sources of vitamin C, capable of providing much of the body's daily requirement.
It can be easily made at home by pressing fresh oranges in a citrus press or juicer, but many people prefer the commercially available varieties of orange juice for convenience sake.
However, the concentration of vitamin C in orange juice varies widely among the various commercial preparations. So, while making your choice of orange juice, you have to keep in mind the following factors.
Factors Affecting Vitamin C in Orange Juice First and foremost, remember that when it comes to vitamin C in orange juice, no commercial preparation can match the goodness of homemade freshly squeezed orange juice.
This is quite expected, as this juice is fresh, pure, unprocessed and free of preservatives. It must be noted, however, that vitamin C is extremely sensitive to light, heat and oxygen.
So exposure to air can reduce the vitamin C content of any type of orange juice at the rate of 2% a day.
Among the commercially processed varieties, the frozen concentrated orange juice has the maximum vitamin C, followed by juices reconstituted from orange concentrates, and last, the ready-to-drink canned or carton-packed juices.
The same holds true for vitamin C in fruit juices in general, not just for orange juice. So while buying processed fruit juices, don't forget to check for the 100% fruit juice label and the date of packing.
To prevent the degradation of vitamin C in fruit juices, always store them in the refrigerator and consume within a week of opening the pack. Freezing preserves the vitamin C, while exposure to air destroys it.
Orange Juice Ingredients
If you are thinking that vitamin C is the only nutrient you are getting by drinking orange juice, you are in for a big surprise.
There are many other essential micro-nutrients that a glass of orange juice can supply. Some important orange juice ingredients in addition to vitamin C include minerals like potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, and vitamin A.
So, don't miss out on the health benefits of this delicious fruit, and go ahead and grab your glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Tips On Finding The Best Adhd Supplements
by Sue Perkins
The estimate is that around 5% of all school-aged children have ADHD and the condition is on the increase; although this may partly be due to a better understanding of the disorder and the diagnostic guidelines being clearer. There is currently no cure for ADHD and many people rely on stimulant medications to alter behavior. However, these meds can come with undesirable side effects, which leads people to look at other alternatives. However, investing your money in alternative treatments and supplements can be quite risky. Here are some tips to help you find the best ADHD supplements:
1) Consult your doctor - Before buying any sort of ADHD supplement, you should definitely speak with your doctor to check if those supplements will not have any adverse reactions to any medications currently prescribed. By doing this, you will be able to make sure that the supplements you buy are completely safe. Choosing the best supplement involves studying whether or not they will have an adverse reaction to other medications. You may find they have some suggestions on where to purchase supplements from and which ones to avoid.
Another reason for consulting with your doctor is to arrange to have your blood tested for any vitamin or mineral deficiencies. There are arguments that suggest ADHD behaviors may be helped by removing any deficiencies. This way you'll know what supplements to buy.
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2) Read reviews - You will often see various companies claiming to have the best supplement in the market for ADHD. However, you should realize the fact that companies need to market their product. Instead of checking out the company's site to see if you are in fact getting a great product, you should check out what other people have to say. Doing a search online will usually show you pretty quickly what people think of various supplements. This will help you determine whether you really are buying an ADHD supplement that will make a difference or if you are falling victim to a company's marketing approach.
3) More is not necessarily better - A lot of different ADHD supplements available in the market today claim to have different substances which help relieve the symptoms of ADHD. However choosing the best ADHD supplement is not the same as choosing the ADHD supplement with the most ingredients. Choosing the best ADHD supplement means choosing the ADHD supplement which is most effective in relieving symptoms. Generally, you'll find the same sort of ingredients in most ADHD supplements, only in varying quantities.
4) Try it out before you buy in bulk - Of course, finding the best ADHD supplements requires you to try them out. Order or buy a small bottle first and follow the instructions carefully. Make a note of any changes in behavior. This will help you determine if the effects of the ADHD supplements meet the company's claims. If you notice improvement try to buy in bulk at a discount, if not you won't have wasted a lot of money.
Supplements And Vitamins Adhd Treatment - The Benefits Of Nutrition For Adhd Patients
by Sue Perkins
If you are parent of an ADHD child or you have ADHD yourself it is likely that you have already tried a number of ADHD therapies. Medications may have been your first option and although these tend to work, the benefits are short lived and there are number of controversies surrounding them in relation to side effects. There are other alternative solutions to ADHD such as biofeedback, sensory integrative therapy, behavioral therapy, individual therapy, herbal remedies and nutritional intervention. The latter advocates that with the proper consumption of supplements and vitamins, ADHD symptoms can be improved.
All of these methods are effective and while they may be used as stand alone treatments, many health professionals believe that combining the different modes of treatment simultaneously create far better results than using only medications or behavioral therapy or any one of the others.
One treatment that is gaining in popularity is nutritional intervention through the adoption of a diet and vitamin supplements that supplies all the essential nutrients required for optimal brain functioning.
Researches agree that ensuring the recommended daily intake of vitamins is reached could help both in the general health of an ADHD patient and in moderating some symptoms of ADHD. While there are plenty of vitamins available in food, we don't always get enough. This can be due to making the wrong food choices and relying on fast or processed foods or only having a limited diet with little fresh fruits and vegetables.
The theory behind vitamin treatment is that replenishing or supplying vitamins that are deficient in the body could help improve the symptoms of ADHD.
Among the handful vitamins that are thought to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD are those that promote neurochemical development in the brain that control behavior. These neurochemicals are serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.
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Vitamin B6 for example is among the vitamins that help the brain develop. It is vital to ensure the nervous system functions correctly and controls excitable behavior. Therefore a deficiency in B6 may lead to hyperactive behavior. In a clinical study researchers took 52 hyperexcitable children and gave them vitamin B6, along with magnesium for 3 - 24 weeks. The results showed a reduction of excitable behavior in all the children after 1 - 6 months treatment.
Sticking with the B vitamins, methyl-B12 (a form of vitamin B 12) has shown to improve attention and focus.
Moving onto supplements, magnesium is a mineral that some children with ADHD lack. Magnesium deficiencies can be accompanied by light or restless sleep and can lead to hyperactivity. Magnesium acts as a relaxant for nerve impulses as well as muscle contractions. It also encourages a reduction in hyperactivity and could induce deeper sleep.
Zinc is another mineral where a number of children with ADHD have a deficiency. According to a study carried out in 1996 ADHD children's level of zinc are 2/3 the level of children without ADHD. Zinc is essential for memory and the ability to think clearly. Supplementing with zinc has also shown to improve IQ.
Although a 'cure' for ADHD does not exist, there are many anecdotal reports of children being able to stop or reduce medication after following a program of receiving proper nutrition, which includes vitamins and minerals along with diet modifications and behavioral therapy. Introducing supplement and vitamins ADHD treatment should be safe to do alongside medications, however, it is best to speak to your doctor to ensure there will be no adverse reactions.
Using Health Vitamin As An Alternative For Children's Well Being
by Mike Selvon
Children are not known for their love of healthy eating, and this is where a health vitamin comes in handy. Try as we might to make sure they're getting enough fruits and vegetables in their diets to keep them topped up with all of the key vitamins, it can be a constant battle.
If your kids look at vegetables like some kind of evil presence, you may need to find other ways to make sure that they are getting the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy and develop normally. For many parents, the easiest way to do this is with a health vitamin supplement.
The market is packed with health vitamin options. Some are better than others depending on your child's age and diet. For infants, the only realistic option is a liquid vitamin mixture.
Babies can hardly by expected to swallow a pill and aren't likely to do much better with a chewable until they have all of their teeth. Liquid vitamins don't keep their potency for long after the packaging is opened, so keep them in the refrigerator and don't hold on to them past their expiry dates.
Young children can be enticed to take their vitamins in a variety of ways. Many companies make chewable tablets which look and taste a lot like candy. Popular characters from the Flintstones to Bugs Bunny or even Pokemon give the vitamins a kid-friendly look. Getting to choose from a range of characters can actually make your child excited about taking a health vitamin.
The sweet taste makes these go down a treat, but be sure that your children understand that the vitamins are not actually candy and they shouldn't ever have more than one per day. (If your vitamins seem to be disappearing too quickly, keep them out of reach with your other medications so that the kids can't help themselves to extras.)
If you don't want to give your kids a sugary children's supplement, or would prefer not to spend the extra money on them, you can use the non-chewable adult tablets. Adult health vitamin pills can be split in half to provide a lower dose.
If your child is too young to swallow a vitamin whole, try grinding it into a powder and mixing it with some applesauce or honey to disguise the taste. Some parents find that mixing the ground vitamin tablet into a glass of fruit juice does the trick.
Once your child is old enough to start learning to swallow pills, you may find that you need to provide a bit of incentive. The first few tries to introduce a health vitamin this way are likely to lead to some bitter experiences!
A small, cash reward for a successful attempt is one way to motivate your kids to keep trying. Another is to offer something sweet, like honey, after the pill has been swallowed. This will get rid of any lingering aftertaste from the pill.
Getting kids to eat right is a challenge for most parents. But a simple multivitamin can provide the peace of mind that your children are getting the nutrients they need. Getting them to take a vitamin supplement using any of these easy methods gives you one less struggle in your day.
The Pill Vitamin Versus Liquid Vitamin
by Mike Selvon
In recent years, a number of companies have introduced liquid vitamin supplements, some of them claiming that these products far outperform the traditional vitamin pill. While some companies took their claims too far (and were charged accordingly), the debate continues as to which type of vitamin is the most effective.
The main advantage of a liquid supplement is the speed and ease of absorption by the body. Since there is no need to break down a solid, the vitamins are absorbed immediately. Liquid fans also claim that the absorption rate is much higher, making the supplements more effective.
There are also those who hate swallowing big vitamin pills or simply can't swallow them due to a medical condition. For instance, people who have had gastric bypass surgery find it hard to keep a pill down. Throat surgery can also make swallowing solids painful. For people like this, liquid vitamins are the only viable option.
But liquid supplements have their drawbacks. One of the main problems is that the vitamins and minerals do not keep their potency as well in liquid form. That means that the liquids have a shorter shelf life than pills.
There are also enzymes contained in some vitamin tablets that aid in the absorption of the nutrients. These enzymes can't be included in liquid vitamins because they only last for a day or so in liquids. While with pills, the enzymes retain their effectiveness for the entire shelf life of the products.
The claim of faster and more complete absorption of liquids is also challenged by some experts. While it's true that we digest liquids more quickly than solids, this does not necessarily lead to a more effective product.
The most effective place for vitamin absorption is at the beginning of the small intestine. There are some claims that much of the contents of liquid vitamins is destroyed by stomach acids before it even gets this far. Pills, meanwhile, are coated to keep them from dissolving completely before they reach the small intestine.
While we live in a world where immediate effects are usually considered a good thing, their relevance for vitamins is questionable. After all, our bodies don't suddenly have vitamin emergencies. If one vitamin supplement is absorbed into our systems an hour sooner than another, it's unlikely to have any noticeable effect on our overall health.
When it comes to our health, nobody likes to guess what is best. But until enough time has passed to show for certain whether there is a difference between the effects of liquid and tablet vitamins, you'll simply have to go with the one that makes the most sense for you. As long as you are focused on a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, the format of your vitamin supplement shouldn't be a critical decision.
An Overview On Multi Vitamin
by Mike Selvon
It seems these days we're all just a little too busy to eat proper meals every day. This can leave us lacking in vital vitamins and minerals which are crucial to keeping us healthy. More and more people are including a daily multi vitamin in their routine in order to make sure that nothing important is missed when it comes to nutrition.
There was a time when you could just pull a bottle of multi vitamins off the shelf and be off. But now, the choice isn't quite so simple. In fact, there are so many choices available in the vitamin aisle it can be hard to figure out what to buy.
Multi vitamins are available specially formulated for women, for men, for children, for seniors, for very active people and for pregnant women. You wouldn't think that our nutritional needs could be so different, but is this progress or just clever marketing? Is there really any difference between all of these products?
Let's compare the different formulas of one popular brand. One-a-Day has been selling multi vitamins for decades, and they now have fourteen different options, including four for kids.
Their women's formula features a larger amount of calcium and other bone-strengthening nutrients. Women are more prone to losing bone mass over the years than men, so a good supply of calcium is important to prevent osteoporosis.
The women's vitamin also includes folic acid, which is necessary for women who may become pregnant as it reduces the chances of birth defects. The addition of iron is another extra for women. Since women lose blood every month through menstruation, their iron levels can get low if they don't eat much meat. An iron supplement prevents anemia.
The men's formula, on the other hand, includes no iron at all. This is because research has shown that too much iron can contribute to heart disease - a big health concern for many men. The other key ingredient in the men's vitamin is lycopene, which has been linked with good prostate health. Obviously, this is something women aren't worried about, but it is important for men.
The 50 Plus version for older people has a different combination of nutrients. Although the same basics are there, you'll find extra high levels of vitamin C, which contributes to healthy joints. Since many seniors find their joints deteriorating over time, this is something they might look for. However, popular joint supplements like glucosamine aren't added to this multivitamin.
Since the low carb craze continues, the company has introduced a Carb Smart multi vitamin. This formulation is designed to replenish some of the nutrients that can be lacking in a low carbohydrate diet. This includes things like vitamin C, which is found in fruits and fruit juices, and the B vitamins which most people get from enriched grain products like breakfast cereals and bread.
As you can see, there are many decisions to make when you choose a multi vitamin. It's important to look at your diet and lifestyle to determine which nutrients you need to supplement more than usual.
The basic ingredients in most of these multi vitamin pills are pretty much identical, so if you have no special needs it's probably best to stick with the simplest formula. Whatever you choose, be sure to check the label so that you know what you're getting.
Take Your Natural Vitamin The Old-Fashioned Way - Eat It!
by Mike Selvon
These days, it seems like we are always turning to science to give us the answers to our problems. When it comes to nutrition, the answer is often a vitamin supplement. But do we really need them?
As it happens, vitamins and minerals are plentiful in a balanced diet. By eating the right foods to get a complete range of nutrients, you may be able to give up those daily tablets after all. A natural vitamin is best.
Vitamin A - It's at the beginning of the alphabet so why not start there. Also known as retinol, vitamin A affects your vision, skin, bone growth, immune system and reproductive functions. It's easy to find in a variety of foods; just remember to think yellow! Good sources of natural vitamin A include carrots, mango, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and the decidedly un-yellow broccoli.
Vitamin B1 - This is more commonly known as thiamin. Your body uses it to control metabolism and ensure your nerves function properly. There are a wide range of foods containing this vital nutrient, including spinach, green peas, tomato juice, watermelon, sunflower seeds, pork and soy milk. Even the pickiest eater will find something that provides them with their daily dose of natural vitamin B1.
Vitamin B2 - You may know it as riboflavin. This one also works on your metabolism and promotes good vision and healthy skin. Some of the best sources for this natural vitamin are spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, eggs, milk, liver, oysters and clams.
Vitamin B3 - This is sometimes called niacin, and it's also important for your metabolism, nervous system and immune system. You can find this natural vitamin in foods like spinach, potatoes, tomato juice, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna, liver and shrimp.
Vitamin B6 - This is a key nutrient to keep your blood cells healthy. To get more of it into your diet, try some of these natural vitamin sources: bananas, watermelon, tomato juice, broccoli, spinach, acorn squash, potatoes, white rice and chicken breast.
Vitamin B12 - This natural vitamin is used when your body makes new cells, and also helps to keep your nervous system working properly. You can get it from eating animal products like meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, milk and eggs. If you don't eat animal products, you will probably need a vitamin supplement to make sure that you're getting enough of this vital nutrient.
Vitamin C - When cold and flu season strikes, it is time to load up on this immune system builder. Vitamin C also plays lesser-known role in helping your body to absorb iron. Some of the best fruits and vegetables for stocking up on it are spinach, broccoli, red bell peppers, snow peas, tomato juice, black currants, kiwi fruits, mangos, oranges, grapefruits and strawberries.
Vitamin D - This one helps your body to absorb calcium, and may also play a role in maintaining strong muscles. While we can produce this vitamin ourselves by exposing our skin to sunlight, many people don't make enough of it that way. Try supplementing your natural vitamin production with fortified milk, fatty fish, egg yolks and liver.
Vitamin E - It's an antioxidant, so this natural vitamin helps to keep us from ageing too quickly. It also protects your cell membranes. You can find Vitamin E in polyunsaturated plant oils such as soybean, corn and canola oils, and also in wheat germ, sunflower seeds, tofu, avocado, sweet potatoes, shrimp and cod.
Vitamin K - You need this one to help your blood to clot. To make sure you're getting enough, eat lots of Brussels sprouts, leafy green vegetables, spinach, broccoli, cabbage and liver.
The whole vitamin alphabet is important to keep you healthy and happy. Make sure that you eat a wide variety of vitamin-rich foods so that all of your nutritional needs are covered.
If you just can't manage to get certain nutrients into your diet, there are supplements available. However, a well-balanced diet should provide you will everything you need for your body's nutrition.
Vitamins Help Heal the Wounds and Stop Wiggly Teeth.
by Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S
When the wound had completely healed the same person was given a run-of-the-mill multiple vitamin and the procedure repeated on the other side of the mouth. The healing took place in a third less time than before when no supplement was used.
All teeth have very slight movement. This can usually be perceived by placing one's fingers over the front teeth and wiggling them. A gadget was devised by a dentist to measure this small amount of tooth movement. In certain oral disease situations and in dietary deficiencies this movement has proved to be greater than normal.
With this fact in mind another simple scientific test was devised whereby a random sample of patients coming into a dental school had the amount of their tooth movement recorded. They were then given a single vitamin supplement and, will wonders never cease, within a very short period the amount of tooth movement was materially lessened. The excessive moveability of teeth present in so many with pyorrhea and other gum diseases starts with such almost unperceptible tooth movement.
For these reasons we think most people are helped by adding a multiple vitamin mineral supplement to their diet. When doing so it should be considered, not a pill or medicine, but merely part of one's food intake. While we must realize that this is a guess as to what is needed, for the most part such additions to our diets seem to work reasonably well.
Vitamin K Prevents Hemorrhaging After Tooth Extraction.
As hemorrhaging after tooth extractions does occur fairly often we supply patients before and after surgery with a supply of vitamins and and minerals to enhance and hasten healing. This includes a chlorophyll complex that is high in vitamin K. It works quickly and it is amazing how it lessens bleeding during intricate surgical procedures. The following is typical of the experiences of patients who improve their nutrition before oral surgery.
Dear Dr. Meinig: You advised me to take a chlorophyl complex high in vitamin K after breakfast for four days before I was scheduled to have my two remaining wisdom teeth removed. I had such a remarkable experience compared to the first extraction four months ago that I want to tell you about it.
I had absolutely no pain, no swelling, no soreness and no bleeding except for just a few minutes about a half hour afterwards because I was talking so much. The nurse gave me strict orders not to rinse, no hot liquids, pain killer prescription, etc. About 5 hours after surgery I ate dinner as usual, except for crunchy vegetables. My mouth was a little difficult to open completely but that was all the discomfort I had. I brushed my teeth and rinsed with warm and cold water.
No bleeding. The next morning my mouth was all back to normal. This was a most pleasant surprise since after the last wisdom tooth extraction it took several weeks for my mouth to get back to normal, not to mention the bleeding and pain immediately afterwards. Sincerely, S.N.H.
Gum is a Lot of Gook. A friend told me you advised her not to use chewing gum. I realize sugared gum is bad for our teeth but the ads all say 4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum. Is this true? The advertisement saying that 4 out of 5 dentists advise chewing sugarless gum implies dentists generally recommend gum chewing. While some do, I doubt that many make this recommendation. Anyway, I am one out of five that says, "Save your smile... stop chewing, it's verboten."
The main reason is all that chewing just plain wears out teeth. The amount of wear one gets from masticating food is relatively little but gum is a constant repeditive problem. If the teeth do not occlude well, there is in addition great strain which is harmful to the jaw joint.
Role of vitamins in Mood Disorders
by Juliet Cohen
Mood disorders are also called affective disorders. Mood disorders have a major economic impact through associated health care costs as well as lost work productivity. A mood is an emotion or feeling that lasts a long time. Moods affect how we act. Your mood also affects how you feel about yourself and life in general. Mood disorder problems may be caused by changes in your life. Chemical changes in your body can also cause a mood disorder. Moods range from feeling sad to feeling happy. Women who have a mood disorder are more likely to get depressed than men. Signs and symptoms of mood disorder start very slowly. Other people may see changes before you see or feel them. However, sometimes depression can occur due to another disorder or as a drug side effect, and in these cases it is known as secondary depression. The effects of exercise in improving the symptoms of depression are well-documented. Inadequate intake of zinc, vitamin B6, iodine, vitamin B12 and folic acid during early life may impair nervous system development and permanently alter function and behavior.
Having a mood disorder can affect your ability to function at work and at home. Treatment of mood disorders such as depression is a complex process and may involve psychotherapy and drug treatment. Where there is no clear physiological cause, the disorder is known as primary depression and it seems likely that the disorder will have several contributory causes. Research has focussed on biological factors such as heredity, hormonal abnormalities, medication side effects, disease-related effects, nutritional deficiencies and psychological and social causes. Drugs which have antidepressant effects usually alter levels of neurotransmitters, serotonin and noradrenaline, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. An appropriate exercise program is an important part of any treatment of depression.
Causes of Mood disorder
Some common causes of Mood disorder are as follows:
1. Family history of mood disorder.
2. Changes in your life.
3. Chemical changes in your body.
4. You use illegal drugs or abuse alcohol.
Signs or Symptoms of Mood disorder
Following are signs and symptoms of a mood disorder:
1. Changes in your eating habits, energy level, weight, or sleeping patterns.
2. Inability to function effectively.
3. Fatigue.
4. Sense of Inferiority.
5. People may have trouble getting along with you.
6. Loss of interest.
The Role of vitamins:-
1. Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps protect the mucous membranes of the nose, eyelids, mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, vagina and uterus, thereby reducing susceptibility to infection.
2. Vitamin B Complex: Vitamins B complex provide the body with energy by aiding in the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose, which the body "burns" to produce energy.
3. Vitamin C Complex: Vitamin C plays a role in healing wounds and burns because it facilitates the formation of connective tissue in the scar.
4. Vitamin D: Vitamin D can be acquired either by ingestion or by exposure to sunlight.
5. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is necessary for all forms of oxygen-consuming life forms. It is also an antioxidant, which means it opposes oxidation of substances in the body.
Natural supplements and the inflammation of arthritis
by Markus Skupeika
The debilitating disease like arthritis is known as the chronic joint inflammation in various limbs of human body. This degenerative disease can affect people at any stage of the life and it mainly depends upon the class and the type of the disease. The degree of pain and the range of movement can be varied as well. Literally "arthritis" means the joint pain due to the inflammation and swelling in human muscles, joints, tendons and bones, but arthritis is the combination of the 150 or more rheumatoid distinctive condition. As we all aware of the fact that there are more than 150 kinds of arthritis are there, but the common symptoms are the same for most of them like swelling of the various joints, stiffness with warmth and lessens the mobility to that point where people remain confined in their own house. All forms of the arthritis is painful but the there are some specified factors that are joint deformity, weight loss, fatigue or mental anguish for confined people, put down the weight and the unexplainable fever. The family traits enhance the risk factor for the person recently affected. The two common forms of the arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. An arthritis symptom can be one issue, or a multitude of issues. For most, the classic symptom is joint stiffness, followed by swelling, redness and even warmth in the affected joint area. For some, these symptoms may be fleeting and may occur more often in cooler weather than warm. For some, joints may be painful and tender to the touch, while for others, back pain is felt as a persistent ache that lingers for days. Because arthritis is a rheumatic disease, arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis, can affect more than just the bones, muscles and other connective tissues to involve major body organs. For some, arthritis symptom signs may also include fever, as well as an unexplained weight loss, fatigue and a general feeling of laid back. Omega is the very effective natural supplements that will do lots of good to the arthritis. Some supplements to consider taking would be the Omega's; 3, 6 & 9. Omega 9 is extractable by using Olive oil in your cooking and salads. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well prior to reduce the pain and the inflammation of arthritis. Fish and nuts will supply your Omega 3 and safflower oil will give you Omega 6, as well as sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil and sesame oil. These oils will help lubricate your joints. Of course you can simply purchase a quality supplement on line or at your nearest health food store. It's best to buy one that has all three. It should already be in the correct proportions that are best for your body. Eating a healthy diet can really help you with your arthritis as well. Avoid foods high in sugar. Eat foods low in saturated fats, and higher in monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, take a multi-vitamin and drink 8 to10 glasses of water per day.
New Old About Vitamins
by James Brown
There are 1000's of vitamins on the market these days. These are to help maintain a healthy body, and to supplement the lack of vitamins in food. There is an RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) so you don't take too much.
If you suffer from PMT (Pre-Menstrual Tension, vitamins B5 and 6 help alleviate some of the pains, breast tenderness etc, Evening Primrose Oil helps calm mood swings, making it more bearable and tolerable for others, as well as yourself.
For teenagers with acne vitamin E is an anti-oxidant, and vitamin B6 helps prevent skin conditions. Foods that are also rich in these are: fish, bananas, pork, chicken, eggs, nuts and broccoli eating plenty of these will reduce the need for supplements, as they are absorbed in the body naturally.
A lot of vitamins are destroyed by alcohol and coffee, there are no poisoning effects in vitamins, as a lot of excess is passed through urine.
Vitamin B12 is a good supplement for vegans, as most of it is found in meat and dairy products.
Folic Acid is essential for pregnant women at least for the first three months and the elderly, it can be found in liver (although not advisable to be eaten by pregnant women), egg yolks, carrots and green vegetables.
Cod Liver Oil is good for the bones, and it's rich in vitamins A+D and Omega 3.
St. John's Wort is suitable for depression, but if you are on medication you must tell your Dr you are taking it, as it can counteract with other medicines. It has been banned in Ireland, you can only get it over there now on prescription.
We don't have the ability to make our own vitamin C so we can only get it through food and supplements, it's also known as Ascorbic Acid. Good sources of vitamin C are fruit juices, fruit such as oranges, potatoes and broccoli. Children as young as 3 months can take vitamin C supplements.
Iron is a vital vitamin, for red blood cells, lack of iron can lead to anaemia, it is especially essential for menstruating women, children, the elderly, vegans and pregnant women.
Aloe Vera is also good for acne and shiny hair; it is best taken in tablet form, as the liquid supplement tastes very bitter.
Calcium is a vital vitamin, for healthy teeth and bones; vegans can find it in tofu and some Soya milk.
Do Children Need Vitamins?
by James Brown
If your child don't eat the required foods to get the necessary daily vitamins , you may prefer to vitamins. Children can be picky eaters in their early childhood. In this situation your child may benefit from a daily vitamin.
Without iron , children may become anemia. Babies are given milk at birth high in iron if they are anemia. This is to prevent low iron deficiency. Infant cereal contains an iron supplement. Foods you eat like bread; meat ; and fish are high in iron.
There are many children vitamins that contain iron. Flintstones are great for children . They are chewable multi vitamins. Iron drops can be purchased in brands like Poly-Vi-Sol. Infants are usually given the iron drops.
If you are able to eat dairy products, you probably can get by without taking a calcium supplement. Calcium helps in bone growth. Foods high in calcium include cheese, ice cream and milk. A glass of orange juice a day is acceptable in getting your calcium.
Fluoride: Many parents don't realize that fluoride is essential in having pretty healthy teeth. Fluoride is found in water . Doctors put fluoride on infant teeth to help preserve them.
Older children may require a vitamin supplement. Chewable tablets can be found in many cartoon character shapes. It shouldn't be very hard to get children to chew up their favorite cartoon character.
It is important to follow up with your child's doctor to keep your children healthy. Children depend on their parents . If you ever suspect a eating problem or slow growing in your child seek medical attention. Vitamins can help perk your child's eating habits up and help maintain other health related situations.
A healthy start will help prevent serious bone disorders when older. Make sure your children eat plenty of vegetables . They are very high in vitamins . Leafy greens and beans are also high in iron. Meat is a good source of iron.
If you notice your children lying around ;not very active; picky over their food; or stressed out you need to ask their physician about vitamins. Let your child live to enjoy life. Keep them healthy . Buying fruits and vegetables are better for them than candy or sweets. Teach them to enjoy the healthy foods and know which foods are the healthiest for them. Help your children grow into a healthier tomorrow.Without the help of parental guidance, children will suffer for many years to come.
Beta Carotene: The Orange Phytonutrient
by Gabriel Adams
Typically, when one thinks of chlorophyll it is the color green that comes to mind. However, the color yellow indicates the substance Beta Carotene. Beta Carotene is known as a photosynthetic pigment. This simply means that the orange-yellow color of Carotene captures light energy and converts it into photosynthesis.
Beta Carotene can be found in all vegetables that have an orange-yellow color. Some of the vegetables that contain the most Beta Carotene include:
Carrots Broccoli Spinach Collard Greens Sweet Potatoes Kale Turnip Greens Winter Squash Fresh Thyme
Today, researchers are very excited about the fact that Beta Carotene is an anti oxidant. Currently studies are underway to determine the effect that Beta Carotene has upon cancer cells. Beta Carotene helps prevent free radicals from causing damage in the body, the cancer causing agents. Beta Carotene is also beneficial for strengthening, repairing, and improving the Immune System.
It is important to recognize that Beta Carotene has a close relationship with Vitamin A. Since the body is incapable of storing vitamins and minerals for a long time, it is possible to ingest too much Beta Carotene. Since Beta Carotene is orange in color, the first obvious sign that too much Beta Carotene has been taken is that the skin will begin to take on an orange or yellow tint. This will leave easily, once the amount of Beta Carotene is reduced.
If you are taking Beta Carotene in pill form, it is important that your physician or health care provider is aware that you are taking these supplements. There has been a connection made between people who smoke and take synthetic forms of Beta Carotene and cancer. It should be noted that this association is not made with those who take Beta Carotene in its natural form, but only with the synthetic form. However, due to this risk, it is wise to let your health care worker know if you are taking Beta Carotene.
Vitamin E: Why It Is Important
by James Brown
Vitamin E Vitamin E is a very important vitamin to humans. This vitamin is fat soluble, which means that it can be stored by the body. There are actually eight different forms of vitamin E, and each form has it's own activity in the body. The most common form of this vitamin is called Alpha-tocopherol.
This form of vitamin E works as a powerful antioxidant as well, and most supplements of this vitamin contain this form of it. The synthetic form of this type of vitamin E is only half as active as the natural form. Vitamin E works to protect your cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.
This vitamin also plays an important part in your immune system, in repairing DNA, and in various other metabolic processes of the body. Foods that are high in vitamin E include leafy green vegetables,nuts, vegetable oils, and various other foods. Most cereals found on store shelves today are fortified with vitamin E as well. Requirements recommended for vitamin E range from six milligrams a day for very small children, to nineteen milligrams a day for lactating women. Normal adults should have around fifteen milligrams of vitamin E each day. A deficiency of vitamin E is very rare in humans, however, certain individuals may be at risk for a deficiency of vitamin E.
This includes people who have disorders of the metabolism of fat, people who can not secrete bile, people with certain rare genetic disorders that interfere with the absorption of this vitamin, and premature infants who have a very low birth weight. People who have a deficiency in zinc may have low blood levels of vitamin E. Not having enough of this vitamin can lead to medical symptoms that should be checked by your physician.
Normally there will be neurological, or nerve, degeneration in the limbs and extremities, most notably in the hands and feet. A physicians's visit is important as all the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency may be caused by other medical conditions as well.
Certain classes of individuals may need to take extra amounts of vitamin E to prevent a deficiency. These are individuals that can not absorb fat, and since vitamin E is fat soluble, these people may need additional amounts of the vitamin in their diet in the form of a supplement. People who have Cystic Fibrosis and Crohn's Disease are two of the classes of people who may require a vitamin E supplement.
Do You Really Need To Supplement To Cure Chronic Yeast Infections?
by Linda Patterson
There are those who will say that if we just eat a balanced diet, we have no need for additional vitamin and mineral supplements. I wish this were so but its just not! Even so-called healthy foods are but a mere shadow of what they used to be.
Most of the foods we find in today's typical supermarket or grocery store are a far cry from what our great grandparents or even our grandparents used to eat. Those supposedly fresh fruits and veggies are actually picked long before they are ripe. Since Mother Nature in her unmistakable wisdom, pushes a lot of the vitamin and mineral content into the ripening process, when picked too soon, this process is short-circuited. This is a problem.
We have further exacerbated the problem by the use of our current, commercial methods of agriculture which have sorely depleted the soil of its natural mineral content. So how did all of this happen?
Farmers used to use organic matter to fertilize their crops. Since this organic material came from highly mineralized soil to begin with, when it was returned as fertilizer, the soil was constantly being replenished. Then one day, a chemist somewhere decided to burn a few plants and analyze the ash. What he found was primarily three minerals, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. What wasn't detected was a host of other, minute, yet vitally important trace minerals. From his findings, it was decided that these three minerals must be what were needed to really make plants grow and thrive. And it appeared to work, for a while, with higher yields being the result. But then, something went wrong. The quality of the plants began to decline and they became more susceptible to disease and insects.
So someone, somewhere decided that the solution was more chemicals like herbicides, fungicides and pesticides rather than simply adding back organic matter. Organic matter is teaming with live micro-organisms and all minerals, including trace minerals. Instead, the chemicals have produced ever more sterile soil. It is lifeless and lifeless soil produces lifeless plants. They may look good but they are form without substance. Agricultural experts will tell you that nutritional supplements are added to livestock feed. Why would this be needed if the plant foods weren't deficient? If animals can't stay healthy eating these plants, how can human beings?
When we eat deficient foods, our bodies become deficient as well. Bodies that are deficient in vital nutrients like vitamins and minerals, eventually succumb to sickness and diseases like chronic yeast infections. Yes, we all die of something, eventually; but we don't have to continue to speed up the process by eating deficient foods.
If we are to truly cure chronic yeast infections and improve our overall quality of life, we simply must supplement. This is one more piece of the puzzle. Use it well.
Find the best liquid vitamin supplement
by Steve B
I had a dislocated knee and was taking a very popular whole food supplement, it was a liquid one, with a great pedigree. It did not help my knee. I took ViaViente, and in one month, my knee was healing up and since then I have had no more episiodes of a "trick knee". I found my liquid vitamin supplement thanks to that dislocated knee.
Many people search for a potent vitamin supplement and yet are unaware that the pill form of vitamin supplements are 80 per cent ineffective. Why is this ? Because pill vitamins are only slightly digested and therefore highly unuseable by our bodies. I compare it to swallowing a rock. Yes, some minerals and vitamins are in that pill you swallow, but your body can not absorb them very well in that form. For this reason pill vitamin supplements are inferior to liquid vitamin supplements. Depending on your age, your body will absorb or digest around 20 per cent of a pill vitamin but can absorb or use 80 to 95 per cent of a liquid vitamin. A demanding vitamin user can ask: " What is the best vitamin supplement ? " , and safely leave all pills out of their answer.
I am in an ongoing study on the benefits and drawback of liquid vitamin supplements, but after taking this particular one, I can say a loud 'Thank you !' to the folks at Viaviente.
Should I Take Nutritional Supplements For Crohn's Disease?
by Jeff Foster
Nutritional supplements for Crohn's disease have been widely discussed for many years.
Treatment plans vary from patient to patient based on the severity of the disease. Characterized by incredibly severe and chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, Crohn's disease is a chronic disorder which most often invades the lower part of the small intestine.
The severe inflammation associated with this disease can often lead to ulceration of the lining of the intestine.
Treatment for Crohn's disease must be consistent and aggressive to try to prevent long-term complications such as an intestinal blockage.
A discussion with your physician about whether nutritional supplements for Crohn's disease would be appropriate for you is a critical discussion.
It is very important that you remember you must not take any nutritional supplements for Crohn's disease without first having an in depth discussion with your health care provider. Many nutritional supplements can interact adversely with prescription medications you are taking for the management of your disease.
Many on the drugs typically prescribed for Crohn's disease interfere with the body's normal metabolism. This interference can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
Many battling Crohn's disease are found to be lacking in zinc, vitamins D and C, calcium, vitamin B6, folic acid, potassium, and magnesium. This deficiency can often be resolved by simply taking a complex multivitamin each day.
Some nutritional supplements are designed to reduce inflammation and improve the digestion of protein. One of these supplements, known as Bromelain, is an enzyme derived from pineapple. Healthcare providers often suggest ingesting 500 mg three times a day for the most benefit.
Some research studies indicate that fish oil supplements can help patients suffering with Crohn's disease to stay symptom-free. 1000 mg taken three times a day for two weeks, followed by 2000 mg three times a day for six weeks seem to be helpful to reduce symptoms.
When choosing a fish oil supplement be sure to choose an enteric-coated supplement since this will keep the capsule from dissolving until it gets into the intestinal tract itself.
Another nutritional supplement for Crohn's disease that has shown promise is a probiotic supplement. The supplement contains either acidophilus, bifidobacteria, or colostrums.
These very friendly bacteria help us to keep a healthy gastrointestinal tract and are an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle. There are studies which show evidence that probiotics can help the body effectively battle Crohn's disease.
Nutritional supplements for Crohn's disease seem to be gaining more and more proponents as more studies point to their benefits. It is important for you to discuss this option with your healthcare provider before you undertake the addition of nutritional supplements on your own.
Perhaps nutritional supplements for Crohn's disease might be the missing link in your overall treatment plan.
Who Else Wants To Know What Are The Best Vitamin Supplements Available?
by Mario C Churchill
Everybody wants a good skin, nice hair, perfect body. And why not? Beautiful skin, luscious hair, and awesome body make any person feel good about their selves. It is the same principle as when health experts recommend effective measures to maintain youthful glow and healthy life.
However, to enjoy all these things, one must learn how to live a healthy life -- one that is based on balanced diet and abundant supply of vitamin supplements.
Yes. Vitamins will always be a part of a person's healthy life. If you want to wear a naturally looking bodice, you need vitamins to trap that entire youthful glow.
Then again, the body may not always get the essential vitamins from the food that they eat. Food preparation and food selection are just two of the many factors that may affect the overall supply of vitamins in the body. That is why health experts recommend taking vitamin supplements everyday to provide extra support.
Vitamin supplements are the surest and easiest ways to get enough vitamins to retard aging, cell destruction, and other health problems. Some vitamin supplements may even help proper absorption of the vitamins in the body. For instance, in order for the body to absorb calcium, it is best that the individual take calcium supplements with vitamin D in it. In this way, the body will be able to respond more to the changes.
The Perfect Choice
In general, supplementation is an option when you do not get at least the amount of required vitamins in your diet everyday. So it is usually up to you if you would like to make sure of your life's healthy status or would rather take the risk of foregoing the process and stick to what you have. After all, you may say, you are still healthy and in the pink of health. So who needs the vitamins anyway?
This is where the problem lies. Vitamin supplements are not just for the malnourished, sick, or the pale. People who are even in the pink of health will still need vitamin supplements.
There are so many vitamin supplements available in the society today. Choosing the best one could be a daunting task. To help you out, here is a list of some of the best vitamin supplements and chooses the one that is best for you:
1. Vitamin C
To prevent gum disease or keep it from getting worse, health experts suggest taking vitamin C supplements. Studies show that nearly 25% of the population in the United States use up less than 39milligrams or less than 50% of the population utilize 50milligrams of vitamin C everyday.
Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins that work for growth and regeneration of normal tissues. Health experts recommend that people get the recommended Daily Value of 60 milligrams to gain the greatest benefit from it. Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and vegetables such as broccoli and red peppers.
However, if these things cannot supply the daily required dose of vitamin C, vitamin supplements will always take over.
2. Calcium supplements
Calcium is important for strong, healthy bones, including strong, healthy jawbones. If people are not getting enough of it, gum disease can progress to tooth loss. Be sure that you are eating foods that are good sources of calcium.
However, if you think you are not getting the right amount of daily recommended value from the food that you eat, it is best that you take Calcium supplements.
3. Vitamin D
Though vitamin D is produced when your skin is exposed to sunlight, a more reliable year-round source is milk and vitamin supplements. Daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU will render you better body processes.
These are just some of the best vitamin supplements you can take note of. Keep in mind that not all vitamin supplements are needed by the body. Hence, it is best to stick to what you have as of the moment.
Health Tip of the Day
by The Vitamin Nut & The Greatest Vitamin in the World
Are you taking care of yourself to the best of your ability?
1: Committing to a good diet and doing increasing amounts of physical activity and taking a vitamin are just a few of the key ways to nutritionally support the best "you" that you can be.
2: Since a red blood cell lives 120 days, it may take close to 4 months before you feel like your old self.
Healthy Blood Cells-Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is essential to maintain a healthy body, it also convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. More importantly, it keeps the red blood cells healthy and therefore, prevents heart disease as well as keeping the immune system functioning at its maximum level. In addition, vitamin B12 is used to create the protective covering of all nerve ending in the body.
The most important function of vitamin B12 is to form healthy red blood cells and maintain the health of the nervous system, brain and spinal cord. However, all cells need vitamin B12 to keep them healthy, and it help the immune system to function properly. The nerve cells in the body need vitamin B12 to form their protective fatty layer. This is essential for all of the nerves but is especially so for those in the brain. If there is not sufficient vitamin B12 to create this protective layer the brain will not functioning properly.
Vitamin B12 is an exception to the rule of water-soluble vitamins, which cannot be stored by the body. It is stored by the liver for years and (according to "Medline Plus" it is rare to have vitamin B12 deficiency), but if there is a deficiency it is because the body fails to properly manage the vitamin. This occurs when oxygen is not adequately supplied to body tissues and digestion disorders.
The body needs a small amount of this vitamin but is needed regularly. The body produces intrinsic which enables vitamin B12 to be absorbed. Vitamin B12 is found in liver, eggs, fish and meat, and in the plant kingdom there are sea vegetables, such as dulse, kelp, kombu, and nori. Vitamin B12 can be found in herbs also, alfalfa, bladderwrack, and hops, but most people consume far more than their recommended daily amount. This is not a problem as the body absorbs what is needed and stores the rest.
If the body does not have enough vitamin B12 then anemia is the most obvious symptom. Obviously, this is due to the fact that there is not enough vitamin B12 to make healthy red blood cells. Anemia can also be caused by the body not creating enough intrinsic to help absorb vitamin B12 that is available in the food consumed. The body tends to makes less intrinsic once a person reaches 50 years of age, and this will lead to less absorption and supplements may be required. Kids are also at risk of becoming anemia because they may not eat the food that contains vitamin B12. Pregnant women need more vitamin B12 during the pregnancy for the baby to grow properly.
A vegetarian or vegan will need to take supplements or be very mindful of the plant family that supplies vitamin B12. The deficiency will not be noticed immediately due to the fact that the body stores vitamin B12, but it will show-up. The effects are gait, chronic fatigue, constipation, depression, digestive disorders, dizziness, drowsiness, and many other symptoms.
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