Monday, June 11, 2007

Using Health Vitamin As An Alternative For Children's Well Being

by Mike Selvon
Children are not known for their love of healthy eating, and this is where a health vitamin comes in handy. Try as we might to make sure they're getting enough fruits and vegetables in their diets to keep them topped up with all of the key vitamins, it can be a constant battle.

If your kids look at vegetables like some kind of evil presence, you may need to find other ways to make sure that they are getting the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy and develop normally. For many parents, the easiest way to do this is with a health vitamin supplement.

The market is packed with health vitamin options. Some are better than others depending on your child's age and diet. For infants, the only realistic option is a liquid vitamin mixture.

Babies can hardly by expected to swallow a pill and aren't likely to do much better with a chewable until they have all of their teeth. Liquid vitamins don't keep their potency for long after the packaging is opened, so keep them in the refrigerator and don't hold on to them past their expiry dates.

Young children can be enticed to take their vitamins in a variety of ways. Many companies make chewable tablets which look and taste a lot like candy. Popular characters from the Flintstones to Bugs Bunny or even Pokemon give the vitamins a kid-friendly look. Getting to choose from a range of characters can actually make your child excited about taking a health vitamin.

The sweet taste makes these go down a treat, but be sure that your children understand that the vitamins are not actually candy and they shouldn't ever have more than one per day. (If your vitamins seem to be disappearing too quickly, keep them out of reach with your other medications so that the kids can't help themselves to extras.)

If you don't want to give your kids a sugary children's supplement, or would prefer not to spend the extra money on them, you can use the non-chewable adult tablets. Adult health vitamin pills can be split in half to provide a lower dose.

If your child is too young to swallow a vitamin whole, try grinding it into a powder and mixing it with some applesauce or honey to disguise the taste. Some parents find that mixing the ground vitamin tablet into a glass of fruit juice does the trick.

Once your child is old enough to start learning to swallow pills, you may find that you need to provide a bit of incentive. The first few tries to introduce a health vitamin this way are likely to lead to some bitter experiences!

A small, cash reward for a successful attempt is one way to motivate your kids to keep trying. Another is to offer something sweet, like honey, after the pill has been swallowed. This will get rid of any lingering aftertaste from the pill.

Getting kids to eat right is a challenge for most parents. But a simple multivitamin can provide the peace of mind that your children are getting the nutrients they need. Getting them to take a vitamin supplement using any of these easy methods gives you one less struggle in your day.

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