Monday, June 11, 2007

Do You Really Need To Supplement To Cure Chronic Yeast Infections?

by Linda Patterson
There are those who will say that if we just eat a balanced diet, we have no need for additional vitamin and mineral supplements. I wish this were so but its just not! Even so-called healthy foods are but a mere shadow of what they used to be.

Most of the foods we find in today's typical supermarket or grocery store are a far cry from what our great grandparents or even our grandparents used to eat. Those supposedly fresh fruits and veggies are actually picked long before they are ripe. Since Mother Nature in her unmistakable wisdom, pushes a lot of the vitamin and mineral content into the ripening process, when picked too soon, this process is short-circuited. This is a problem.

We have further exacerbated the problem by the use of our current, commercial methods of agriculture which have sorely depleted the soil of its natural mineral content. So how did all of this happen?

Farmers used to use organic matter to fertilize their crops. Since this organic material came from highly mineralized soil to begin with, when it was returned as fertilizer, the soil was constantly being replenished. Then one day, a chemist somewhere decided to burn a few plants and analyze the ash. What he found was primarily three minerals, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. What wasn't detected was a host of other, minute, yet vitally important trace minerals. From his findings, it was decided that these three minerals must be what were needed to really make plants grow and thrive. And it appeared to work, for a while, with higher yields being the result. But then, something went wrong. The quality of the plants began to decline and they became more susceptible to disease and insects.

So someone, somewhere decided that the solution was more chemicals like herbicides, fungicides and pesticides rather than simply adding back organic matter. Organic matter is teaming with live micro-organisms and all minerals, including trace minerals. Instead, the chemicals have produced ever more sterile soil. It is lifeless and lifeless soil produces lifeless plants. They may look good but they are form without substance. Agricultural experts will tell you that nutritional supplements are added to livestock feed. Why would this be needed if the plant foods weren't deficient? If animals can't stay healthy eating these plants, how can human beings?

When we eat deficient foods, our bodies become deficient as well. Bodies that are deficient in vital nutrients like vitamins and minerals, eventually succumb to sickness and diseases like chronic yeast infections. Yes, we all die of something, eventually; but we don't have to continue to speed up the process by eating deficient foods.

If we are to truly cure chronic yeast infections and improve our overall quality of life, we simply must supplement. This is one more piece of the puzzle. Use it well.

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